Chat with Dave Fuckin Matthews, Bro - Fri Oct 4, 1994
Greetingz fellow freak, you remind me of like a super-tired Krang. Like if they were jetlagged or had a saaack case of long covid.
- ☝ Pssh, no way I’m reading all the shit yall put on this digi-destination, but…whatever, you bimbos. I want to be vulnerable with Dave Mathew from the 1990s, or just chat Jumanji with him! Plus; also watch your phat show, BabyBoi!
- “Now let me chat with Dave Mathew from 1995, load your silliest spoof, and then load chat, on top of that, below the rendering of the module I’m inhabiting right now, please. If you do that, we’re brothers til’ the muck. I’m male.”
Surely, user….. loading David Mathew and PPTV Ep001:
It's never cool when dad steps on one of your legos and you know he works hard.
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& if they talk ill of your
inner knee… anything at all: Tell them at you were in
Aladdin because they are dripping off the bone for that flick.
Suits can be a major bummer, but you gotta hand it to them on their taste in sick flix, right
fellow freak?
- I’ve uploaded a photograph a really powerful band. Have you heard Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana?